Thursday, May 16, 2013

Defense Research Institute's Sexual Torts Seminar

Our firm's primary focus is the defense of civil claims against medical providers and other professionals. In that context we encounter a number of challenging claims that call into question the competent execution of our clients' professional expertise. Such claims are understandably upsetting for our clients.

Imagine, then, when such claims are coupled with allegations of improper sexual conduct or contact. Unfortunately, our country is facing what seems to be a surge of such claims. Medical professionals and organizations, along with your organizations, religious institutions, schools and colleges, have been subject to scrutiny for alleged sexual misconduct by agents or employees directed against vulnerable victims. The archetypal case in more recent headlines is the Penn State scandal.

Our system of justice provides that even those accused of reprehensible conduct, and their employers, are entitled to civil and criminal defense. I am currently serving as Program Chair for the Defense Research Institute's Sexual Torts seminar, to be held in San Diego on November 13-15, 2013. That seminar is jointly sponsored by the DRI's Medical Liability Committee, the Employment Law Committee, and the Insurance Law Committee. The focus of the seminar is the defense of claims against institutions premised on the alleged sexual misconduct of agents or employees.

I am very excited about this seminar. We have recruited a variety of speakers from across the country, including experienced trial lawyers, corporate and insurance in-house representatives, a well-known victim's advocate, and Mark Geragos, the well-known criminal defense attorney who has represented, among others, Michael Jackson and Scott Peterson.

Our firm remains deeply involved in DRI activities. Involvement in an organization like DRI really defines what we find most enjoyable about practicing law: Sharing contacts and ideas with professional colleagues and clients in a setting that also incorporates opportunities for recreational activities.

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