Thursday, June 28, 2012

Adoption Tax Credit Set to Expire: Act Now!

By: Nathan A. Leach
BleekeDillonCrandall Attorneys

The federal adoption tax credit, which has fluctuated in amounts over the years and never been permanent, has assisted many parents nationwide offset some of the costs associated with adoption and made adoption a viable option. In 2012, adoptive couples may be eligible to receive a non-refundable credit of $12,650. However, unless congress acts, the federal adoption tax credit will expire at the end of the year.

In order to provide certainty to the federal adoption tax credit and continue to make adoption more affordable, Rep. Bruce Braley, IA, has introduced a bill that would make a $13,360 refundable adoption tax credit permanent. If the adoption tax credit has helped you or someone you know to adopt a child, please call your Representative today and urge that he or she cosponsor H.R. 4373, the Making Adoption Affordable Act. It may be helpful to mention to your representative that: 1) you are a constituent; 2) that the bill was introduced with bipartisan support; and 3) the adoption tax credit has made adoption more affordable and assisted in providing children with loving and permanent families.

If you do not know your representative, you may go to and enter your zip code. If you want to learn more about the adoption tax credit go to You can also “like” the Save the Adoption Tax Credit mission on Facebook at: Let’s work to save the adoption tax credit!

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