Monday, June 27, 2011

Fireworks: Good Idea or Good Way to Get Sued?

By: Carol Dillon

As we approach the July 4th holiday people are lining up at Phantom Fireworks to purchase artillery shells, sparklers, cakes, and any other loud sparkly thing they can get their hands on. I personally am not a fan of fireworks unless it’s watching professional displays from miles away. Yes, you may call me unpatriotic or even un-American. First and foremost, I’ve defended two different sets of homeowners involving fireworks accidents. The first was a neighbor’s boat dock that burned down as a result of neighborhood fireworks and the second was a rogue firework that accidentally hit and injured a child and a relative of the homeowners. If you’re thinking about lighting your own fireworks this year, think twice and think of all the things that could go wrong. They may cause injury, property damage, or cause you to get sued. While they look pretty and sound fun for a while, they always end up making dogs bark and shake with fear, and they inevitably end up in the neighbor’s yard, thus making your neighbors give you dirty looks the next day. So take my advice this year: save your money, save your neighbors anxiety, save your neighborhood dogs, and watch other people’s fireworks instead of setting off your own. You may then be just a witness rather than a defendant in a lawsuit.



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