Monday, August 23, 2010

Ready for the Fall Season

By Brandon Milster

As the summer winds down and the days start to get a bit shorter, it always reminds me that time just goes too fast. It seems like just yesterday that the snow was melting and everyone was excited for spring to arrive! As I look back on this summer, I can honestly say that I had just enough time to go out and enjoy the weather, have some fun with friends and family, and travel a little bit. I was able to see northern Michigan, tour the mountains on the way to Maryland with my brother, and meet up with old friends for a weekend in Missouri. Work is always fast and furious, but hopefully everyone has been able to take some time for themselves and their families this summer…and tried to keep cool from the HEAT!!

One perk of summer coming to a close, however, is the start of football season! Whether you’re a college or professional sports fan, you have to be excited for the beginning of America’s real pastime. Here’s hoping the Colts, Boilermakers, and Hoosiers all have stellar seasons and give Indiana something to be proud of! Sorry Fighting Irish and Cardinals, I am just not a true fan. Finally, here’s hoping the Detroit Lions can start to turn around a losing tradition…each September, I can always have hope!

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